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Five Guys Reviews

Submitted by Keith Klemow-Gurley on 05/08/2022

Keith Klemow-Gurley 5 stars rating.

Overall Rating

Fantastic, rare opportunity to eat out like that, didn't realize we ordered 3 pattie burgers, Cajun fries have a crazy kick, the oreo milkshake was delicious! Had enough food for a second dinner. Bravo 5 Guys. Super Tasty

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Hector Menendez 4 stars rating.

Food is good. But prices are HIGH. The prices keep this place from being my "go to" burger place.

Submitted by Hector Menendez on 09/21/2022

Taiesha Iles 5 stars rating.

I like five guys and the fries are my favorite bur it reminds me of another burger place but this one is better by far...

Submitted by Taiesha Iles on 08/13/2022

Sam Begley 3 stars rating.

I've heard a lot of people rave about how great Five Guys is, but I honestly don't see the appeal. Don't get me wrong, their burgers and fries are good, but to me they are very forgettable. This would all be fine if it wasn't for the prices. I got a cheeseburger meal with medium fries and a drink, and it was over $20. Other fast food restaurants have equally average food (if not better in some cases) for half the price.

Submitted by Sam Begley on 07/28/2022

Thomas “Hellghost” diCosola 2 stars rating.

Really empty, I don't mean just people, there were like 3 tables. Food was okay, which is weird because I love 5 guys. One of the employees (I saw him walk out so I saw he was an employee) was locked in the men's bathroom for the 40 mins I was there. Awkward I just wanted to wash my hands. Doubt I would return to this location. I STILL LOVE 5Guys!

Submitted by Thomas “hellghost” Dicosola on 06/25/2022

Bryan Gracia 1 stars rating.

Five Guys is usually the go to but not for this location. After paying $33 for 2 burgers, 1 side of fries, and 1 small drink , you’d think the food would be good. My partners burger was ordered with bacon cheese and mushrooms, paying quite extra for bacon yet no bacon was on the burger. The meat of the burger was pink, no red or medium rare, just not fully cooked type of pink with a coldish center. It didn’t stop there, the fries that we had ordered with light seasoning, came with little to no salt and no seasoning and were still hard after not being fried thoroughly. Cold fries, cold meat patty, and missing ingredients while paying $30 not even a full meal for both.

Submitted by Bryan Gracia on 02/21/2022

Martie Burman 4 stars rating.

Had not been for years but will go back soon. Bacon Cheeseburger "All In" sloppy, tasty and wonderful. Small fries feed 2-3 adults. Would have given 5 stars but very few tables inside and out combined and had to clean ours before sitting. Sorry, partially eaten before realized good enough to post.

Submitted by Martie Burman on 11/20/2021

B hoodigan 2 stars rating.

This is my first time eating at 5 guys. It wasn't to bad the burgers were tasty and the Cajun fries were really good, the Cajun fries were definitely the best part of the meal.
Now I have 2 issues. One the prices of the burgers ???? were pretty expensive plus you have to add fries which cost even more.
I have Definitely ate better hamburgers traveling doing my food blog and reviews
I'd say try 5 guys if you haven't before but it's definitely nothing special. Food is OK and it's pricey
I don't see myself going back for food unless 5 guys can change a few things about there food

Submitted by B Hoodigan on 02/15/2021

Christopher Dempsay 5 stars rating.

Altogether the best place in town for a Handspun Milkshake (choose unlimited mix-ins) and cheeseburger with your choice of toppings prepared by hand from Five Guys on 7th Ave & McDowell. Thanks for the clean restroom and quick service from your friendly happy counter!

Submitted by Christopher Dempsay on 11/19/2019

dawn land 3 stars rating.

I was surprised that the Little Burger and the bigger burger looked identical in size. The cashier was great, the manager on duty seemed medicated like on Nyquil. I told him The soda machine was empty of light lemonade he barely seemed to care. The girls were nice. The Burger was good but nothing like 5 Guys back East where a Double Cheese Burger would feed 2 people so much cheese and juicy beef. So I will try one more location and be sure to ask for light salt on your frys. Mine were a bit too salty.

Submitted by Dawn Land on 11/02/2019